Research Roundtables: Dialogues & Discussions (R2D2)

Research Roundtables: Dialogues & Discussions (R2D2)

Researchers from the entire BWH community are invited to participate in the 2020 Research Roundtable Dialogues & Discussions (R2D2). These annual discussions were launched spring 2018, in which a total of 268 people participated as part of NextGen BRI efforts to promote available resources, identify needs and learn more about priorities from the research community across all thematic areas. The BRI Centers & Programs will use this feedback to set goals and priorities for their future activities and resource allocation. As a grassroots organization, the BRI strives to be nimble, responsive and inclusive of the broadest swath of the research community. Your input is important to us – please attend all of the sessions that align with your research interests.

Calling all members of the research community:

What research topics are you interested in?

Click here to take the survey

For the next installment of this series in 2020, the BRI would like to hear what topics are of interest to the research community for our next series of Research Roundtables. Based in the results of the survey below, we will schedule meetings on topics with broad interest.

All members of the research community are encouraged to participate. Please click here to quickly indicate the research topics in which you have interest.

The BRI is going bottled-water free! As it has been stated “more than 17 million barrels of oil are required to produce enough plastic water bottles to meet America’s annual demand for bottled water” and every year, 8 million metric tons of plastics enter our ocean.  We hope as an institution and department to become more environmentally friendly. We encourage other departments to do the same! Please don’t forget to bring your filled reusable water bottles to all of our BRI events. Thank you.

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