Demystifying Drug Development Seminar Series

Demystifying Drug Development Seminar Series

Join us for BRI’s newest series – a set of interactive, “behind the scenes” discussions with biopharma R&D professionals about how drug development happens in the private sector. The sessions will have something for everyone interested in biopharma R&D, from beginning trainees to senior faculty. We’ll take an inside look at:


  • How biopharma companies develop new drugs, from basic science to clinical trials
  • How companies identify, evaluate, support, and execute academic collaborations
  • Career options in biopharma for academic researchers and physicians


This monthly series consists of interactive discussions with biopharma R&D professionals, to provide a “behind the scenes” look at how drug development happens in the private sector. Guests will include MDs and PhDs in biotech and pharma companies who work across the spectrum of drug R&D from basic biology to clinical trials. We will also cover how companies collaborate with academic researchers, and career options for academic scientists and physicians exploring industry opportunities. The series will be moderated by Frank S. David, MD, PhD, Innovation Strategist at BWH’s Biomedical Research Institute and Managing Director at Pharmagellan.

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