Anesthesia Conference Room
BBF 3rd Floor Conference Room
BBF 3rd Floor Conference Space
BEI Knowledge Center
Boardroom, Longwood Center, 7th Floor
Bornstein Amphitheater | Cabot Atrium
Bornstein Family Amphitheater
Bornstein Family Amphitheater
Bray Conference Room
Brigham & Women's Hospital/Harvard Medical School: Binney Street, Boston, MA 02115
Brigham and Women's Hospital
BTM 05004 Conference Room
BTM 3rd Floor Conference Room
BTM 3rd Floor Conference Space
BTM 5010
BTM VTC 02006B
Building for Transformative Medicine Room # 05010
BWH Cohn Courtyard (behind 75 Francis St. on Shattuck St.)
C Building - Cannon Room
C Building - Cannon Room, Harvard Medical School
Cabot Atrium
Cambridge Public Library
Cardiac Surgery Conference Room
Carrie Hall Conference Room
Carrie Hall Conference Room and Webcast
Cohn Courtyard
Daedalus Restaurant
Elements Cafe
Fenway Room
Hale BTM 06014 Conference Room
Hale Café Atrium
Hale Conference Room
HBTM 05010 Conference Room
HBTM Cafe Atrium
HBTM VTC 02006B Conference Room
HMS Quad
HMS Tosteson Medical Education Center, 2nd Floor, Room 250
Hybrid (Carrie Hall & Zoom)
Ingram Library
Joseph B. Martin Conference Center
Ledge Room
Marshall A. Wolf Conference Room
Mezzanine (2nd floor, 75 Francis St) near BWH Gift Shop
NRB 230
NRB 255A Conference Room
NRB 350 Conference Room, 3rd floor
Partners Healthcare - Assembly Row
Ramzi Cotran Conference Room
Room 3.110
S-L5B Rm# 70FR-05082
Samberg Center, MIT
Samberg Conference Center, 50 Memorial Dr, Cambridge, MA 02142, USA
Shapiro Board Room
Shapiro Breakout Room
Thorn 13 Conference Room
Waltham Conference Center
Zinner Board Room
Zinner Breakout Room
Zoom/Room TBA