Brigham Research Cores and Resources Fair

12:00 - 1:00 PM | Monday, April 25, 2022
Zoom Meeting

Register as an Attendee


The Brigham Research Institute is sponsoring a virtual Cores and Resources Fair which will feature research core facilities/resources, and provide an opportunity for the BWH research community to learn more about resources available to them as well as for cores to connect with researchers. This event is open to the entire BWH community – all researchers and research support staff who are interested in learning more about the prolific BWH and MGB core facilities are encouraged to attend.


The event is also open to all MGB affiliated employees.



Jackie Slavik, PhD, MMSc, Executive Director, Brigham Research Institute


1 min overview from each core and resource

Virtual Tabling:

After the overviews, each core and resource will have a dedicated breakout room, and attendees will be able to move in and out of the breakout rooms based on which core or resource they interested in learning more about.


If you have any questions please contact