11 Jun Research Connection LIVE Lunch: “There’s an App for That: Manage Your Lab Electronically”
Monday, May 21st, 12 – 1PM, Carrie Hall
The Live Lunch that took place this May featured Paul Anderson, M.D., Ph.D. and Lynn Simpson, who introduced and facilitated a discussion with an expert panel of LabArchives super users. These early adopters included Eva Plovie Buys, Ph.D., Michal Nowicki, Ph.D., and Deepack Bhere, Ph.D, who talked about their personal experiences with the electronic lab notebook and offered helpful tips and tricks to the large crowd of attendees.
There was standing room only in Carrie Hall as Paul Anderson began the panel portion of the lunch by emphasizing the hospital-wide expectation that LabArchives will be able to solve problems that have resulted from the use of paper notebooks within the research environment. It is crucial that investigators take advantage of the system, and the ultimate goal of this event was to encourage everyone to familiarize themselves with the technology as it is implemented over the next year. The panel made it clear that there were many helpful links and resources to help the community in getting started, including ERIS support, weekly webinars, and an Electronic Lab Notebook (ELN) discussion group through the Partner’s system. Among the many positive features of the ELN, the super users noted several benefits, such as; the user-friendly search tool, universal accessibility, and the capacity to store all data so that progress is preserved and the loss of important notes is prevented. Although not without its challenges, this web-based application is a tool that will be able to create a stronger foundation of communication among scientists, as well as provide a secure way to store content based on each specific researcher’s wants and needs.
This is a hospital-wide research community effort, in which all are encouraged to begin using as soon as possible. For this reason, the panel discussion regarding ELN was recorded and the link can be found here: https://bwhedtech.media.partners.org/programs/bri/bri20180521anderson/