13 Jul PCORI Patient / Stakeholder Engagement Pilot Grant
Request for Applications (RFA)
The Brigham Research Institute’s Patient-centered Comparative Effectiveness Research Center invites applicants to apply for a $15,000 (plus 15% IDC) pilot grant to build capacity for engaging patients and other stakeholders in a patient-centered outcomes or comparative effectiveness research study. The purpose of this program is to provide seed funding for projects that are specifically being developed for Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) funding opportunities. PCORI requires all funding applications include an Engagement Plan as well as describe how input from key stakeholders through initial engagement efforts reshaped the design of the study. This award is intended to overcome the financial barriers created by these initial engagement efforts.
For more information about this RFA and topics related to PCORI funding, please contact jtoombs@bwh.harvard.edu or attend one of the following informational sessions:
- July 20, 11am-12pm, in BTM 2006B
- July 25, 12pm-1pm, in Ingram Library (see directions below)
Funds will be awarded on a competitive basis, with ONE $15,000 grant available.
APPLY AT: http://bwhcfdd.partners.org/Listing.aspx?courseId=305
July 15, 2017 | RFA announced |
August 30, 2017 | Full Applications Due |
September 13, 2017 | Awardee(s) notified |
September 18, 2017 | Funding commences |
- Proposals must pertain to healthcare topics relevant to PCORI funding opportunities
- All BWH clinicians and researchers with a faculty rank of Instructor and above are invited to apply
- Recipient must identify and commit to applying for a specific PCORI funding opportunity for which these pilot funds will be used to build engagement.
- Individuals may serve as the PI of only one proposal but can be a co-PI on multiple proposals
- Recipient (PI of the proposal submitted) must submit a funding proposal on a relevant research topic to PCORI during the 2018 funding cycle.
Review Criteria
- Fit of overall project with PCORI priorities
- Feasibility of pilot engagement plan
- Specific Aims (½-page limit)
- Engagement Plan (1-page limit)
- Specific Time Line of Grant Development and PCORI submission date. Provide a detailed time-line of the patient engagement plan including 3 milestones for payments.
- Detailed budget. Funds may only be used toward patient engagement process and may be combined with other sources to achieve pilot aims. 35% of funds will be disbursed with the award, 25% with first milestone, 20% for each of the subsequent milestones.
For more information on the PCORI funding framework and stakeholder engagement, please reference the following links:
Informational Sessions:
July 20, 11am-12pm, in BTM 2006B
- From 75 Francis Street, take the Main Pike (2nd floor of hospital) towards the S Elevator. Walk through the Shapiro Cardiovascular Building and take the bridge to the new BTM. When entering the BTM take the first right, and it’s the first door on right. (Rm# 02006B)
July 25, 12pm-1pm, in Ingram Library (Room CA – 329)
- Take the Main Pike all the way to Carrie Hall (closest to the 15 Francis St. Entrance); take a right at Carrie Hall; go up one flight of stairs to the Pulmonary Administrative Offices; the Ingram Library is half way down the hall.