Faculty Career Development Award

Brigham and Women’s Hospital Faculty Career Development Award


Eleanor and Miles Shore Faculty Development Awards Program


See full application instructions here.


The Office for Research Careers, with the support of the BWH President’s Office and the Brigham Research Institute (BRI), announces the 2021 Brigham and Women’s Hospital Faculty Career Development Awards. One award is available.

Deadline for Application: January 28, 2022


The purpose of the award is to provide transitional funding to enhance productivity and growth during the early critical years of an academic career when young faculty must teach, do research, compete for grants, publish, and practice (if clinicians) at the same time they may be assuming increased family or other responsibilities.  BWH seeks to use these awards to increase the diversity of the faculty.  The awards are open to all junior faculty with priority given to faculty who have family responsibilities such as being the primary caregiver for children and/or parents, faculty who belong to a racial/ethnic population underrepresented in medicine and science (URM)[1] , or women faculty.


The Award provides $30,000, plus 15% overhead (total of $34,500) to support activities that contribute to the individual’s academic career development. This is a one-year award with a start date of July 1, 2021.



  • M.D., Ph.D., or equivalent advanced degree;
  • Appointment at level of Instructor or Assistant Professor at HMS at time of application, with current primary academic appointment at BWH;
  • Established interest in an academic career;
  • May not have been a past recipient of a Scholars in Medicine Shore Fellowship;
  • May not have received significant prior internal funding.  A compelling case must be made for applicants who have received BWH, Harvard Medical School (HMS), or Partners HealthCare System (PHS) funding greater than $50,000 within 12 months of the date of the application; and
  • Priority will be given to faculty who belong to a racial/ethnic population underrepresented in medicine and science (URM)[1], faculty who have family responsibilities such as being the primary caregiver for children and/or parents, or women faculty.


Applications are available online at http://bwhcfdd.partners.org/Listing.aspx?courseId=581 and will be accepted via online submission until January 28, 2022. Your application will not be considered complete until a Department or Division head “Letter of Recommendation” is received via email to BWHORC@partners.org.

If you have any questions, please contact us at BWHORC@partners.org.


[1] Per AAMC guidelines, at BWH, URM is defined as African American/Black, Alaskan/Hawaiian Native, Hispanic American, and Native American.