A new Partners-wide policy effective Dec 1st, 2016 mandates that grants from foundations/public charity/non-profits should include F&A (indirect costs) recovery that is no less than the Partners sundry overhead rate (15%). The policy also mandates that the PI of the award/grant from these entities or the Department he/she belongs to will be responsible for covering any shortfall in indirect costs associated with these awards from either Sundry or physician department sources. Exceptions include training fellowships and billing agreements. Refer to: https://partnershealthcare.sharepoint.com/sites/phrmResources/c/pg/Documents/F&ACostsPolicy.pdf.
In light of this new policy, the Brigham Research Institute’s (BRI), Infectious & Immunologic Diseases Research Center (IID) is pleased to announce the ‘IID Research Scholars Program’. The goal of this new program is to support high quality basic, clinical and translational research in the areas of immunology and infectious diseases by Principal Investigators at BWH whose grants from foundations and other agencies might be impacted by this policy. Specifically, this program will cover up to $10,000 in indirect costs per award recipient accruing as a result of him/her being awarded a grant from a foundation/charity/non-profit. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis. Decisions will be communicated in 7-10 business days. A total of up to 5-6 awards per year will be given out on a first-come, first-serve basis.