Find a Researcher

Driven by world-class investigators, BWH is a leader in biomedical research.  In a setting of excellent clinical care, their important discoveries define the next generation of science and make BWH a unique place for improving health through research.


Modeled after Find a Doctor, Find a Researcher is BWH’s first data repository of faculty investigator profiles at BWH.


This new initiative will improve the visibility of BWH research on and will make it easier for BWH administrators and investigators to promote the esteemed science that takes place at BWH.

Frequently Asked Questions

BWH Find a Researcher is a web-based directory of faculty investigators at BWH.  Available through the BWH website, it complements the BWH Find a Doctor directory.

Who is listed in BWH Find a Researcher?

The first faculty members included in BWH Find a Researcher are those who have a primary BWH appointment at HMS and who have a rank of Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor or Instructor, inclusive of visiting and emeritus faculty.  We expect to expand this to include others who are faculty investigators at BWH (whose primary appointments may be at HSPH, for instance), but will have to review this population with department administrators on a case-by-case basis.

Who can view BWH Find a Researcher?

BWH Find a Researcher is available to the general public.  Faculty investigators with profiles may log into the system to edit their profile.

How do I edit my profile?

Click the “Edit My Profile” button (located on your profile page, to the right of your name).  Log in using your PHS user ID and password.  The edit-profile screen will have the same basic layout as the published profile.  Most fields can be edited by you, other fields (appear as non-editable) must be edited at the source.  Should you have additional questions about your information, please contact:

  • Your local FACTS administrator (for questions about basic information (name, title(s), address, etc.), or
  • The Brigham Research Institute at


Once you have updated your profile to your liking, click “Save and Publish.”  Some changes will take place immediately, others require approval by the Find a Researcher managers, who needs to be sure content is compliant with BWH web policies.  The following fields require approval:

  • Research Summary
  • Additional Research Affiliations
  • Additional News
  • Resources
What are the sources of data for BWH Find a Researcher?


  • Name, Credentials
  • BWH Title
  • HMS Title
  • HMS Rank
  • Additional Titles
    (max 3)
  • BWH Department
    and Division
  • Telephone
  • Fax
  • Primary Email Address
  • Education (degree only)


  • Keywords
  • Publications


  • Link to Physician Profile (if applicable)
  • Link to PubMed (one-time load)
  • Photo (one-time load)


  • Flag which indicates actively-employed researchers
How frequently is the information updated?

Data from BWH FACTS and Harvard Catalyst are updated nightly.  Please note that it make take more than 24 hours for changes to appear in Find a Researcher.  Data from PHS Research Applications are updated monthly.

Can I edit my keywords?

Keywords are pulled from Harvard Catalyst Profiles nightly.  Catalyst Profiles derives keywords automatically from the PubMed articles listed with your profile.  They cannot be managed directly, however they can be improved by keeping your publications up to date in Catalyst, a process which may take up to 48 hours.

To whom can I send feedback?, which is monitored by staff at the BWH Brigham Research Institute.

Who created BWH Find a Researcher?

Find a Researcher is a collaboration between the Office of the Senior Vice President, Research, the Brigham Research Institute (BRI), PHS Research Applications Group, and the Center for Faculty Development and Diversity, with help from the Department of Marketing and Planning and the Harvard Catalyst Profiles team.

Helpful Links

Help Documentation

Why is my profile not showing up?

Assuming you meet the criteria – you are BWH faculty, ranked instructor or above, with active research projects – contact us at and we’ll investigate.  Missing profiles need to be tackled on a case-by-case basis.  Find a Researcher depends on several data sources and the issue may be as simple as a missing identifier or it could be very complicated.

What fields are editable?

You can edit:

  • Photo (150px X 225px, jpg or gif only)
  • Research Summary (can take HTML)
  • Education
  • Building (a drop down menu)
  • Research Email Address (may override primary email address)
  • Laboratory and Other Research Project Websites (max 7; Name of Lab/Project, URL)
  • BWH Research Center and Program Affiliations
  • Additional Research Affiliations (e.g. National Academy of Sciences, the Autism Consortium, Association of American Physicians)
  • Additional News (i.e. a brief prose description of individual’s recent research activity)
  • Link to PubMed
  • Courses Taught
  • Honors/Awards
  • Lab Members
  • Collaborators
  • Other Professional Activities (e.g. “Reviewer, NIH Study Section NIGLBI”)
  • Resources (Can be edited AND hidden from public site; e.g. “flow cytometer, with description”)
  • Publications (editable in Catalyst – requires logging in with your eCommons ID)

You can choose to display (or hide):

  • Telephone
  • Fax
  • Official Email Address
  • Keywords from Catalyst
Can I edit my keywords?

Sorry, not at this time.  You can choose to hide them from display.  And, we recommend you add a research summary/narrative to your profile to enhance your searchability.  We hope to enhance Find a Researcher in the near future to better use keywords from Catalyst.

Why are there missing or incorrect publications in my Profile?

BWH Find a Researcher is set up to receive nightly updates to publications from Harvard Catalyst Profiles, where they are added both automatically from PubMed and manually by faculty themselves through the Catalyst Profiles system.  Per the Catalyst Profiles site:

Unfortunately, there is no easy way to match articles in PubMed to the profiles on this website. The algorithm used to find articles from PubMed attempts to minimize the number of publications incorrectly added to a profile; however, this method results in some missing publications. Faculty with common names or whose articles were written at other institutions are most likely to have incomplete publication lists. We encourage all faculty to login to the website and add any missing publications or remove incorrect ones. Questions regarding publications can be directed to

Why do I need someone to approve my profile?

The BWH Web Policies have strict rules about content describing research in pre-clinical models, endorsements and funding sources.  Consequently, it was decided that Find a Researcher should have a modest layer of protection to make management easier for our faculty.

I have other titles that ought to be included in my profile.

By default, Find a Researcher displays your BWH and HMS titles which are taken from FACTS.  To make a change, contact who can liase with your department(s) to modify your profile.

Can I sort my titles?

The BRI can manipulate the order of titles to some extent.  Contact for assistance.  We may add a sorting feature to Find a Researcher in the near future.

I have a dual appointment that is not represented here. How can Find a Researcher manage this?

Find a Researcher can display dual appointments.  Notify the BRI at  Be sure to include your primary and secondary departments at BWH.

What is FACTS?

The Faculty/Fellows Appointments and Credentialing Tracking System (FACTS) is BWH’s only data repository that combines appointments and credentialing information for our faculty and fellows.  It is managed by the Center for Faculty Development and Diversity.  Questions may be directed to