18 Dec Cross Departmental Affinity Group for Machine Learning Applied to Radiological Imaging
Tuesday, December 11th, 10:30am – 12:30pm, Zinner Breakout Room
Over 40 people convened for the initial meeting of the Brigham Research Institute’s (BRI) new Affinity Group for Machine Learning Applied to Radiological Imaging. Led by Jeffrey Duryea and Jamie Collins, the group will hold interactive lunch meetings each quarter to bring together investigators from diverse departments interested in applying machine learning methods to radiological imaging.
This first meeting began with several speakers who shared their expertise and enthusiasm for this exciting area of research that has powerful implications for the future. In between the talks, participants broke for lunch where they had the opportunity to network with each other, as well as with the speakers, asking questions, sharing ideas and creating valuable connections. The goal for future meetings is for participants to break into smaller subgroups to delve further into specific research areas to discuss ideas and explore potential collaborations.
The Affinity Group for Machine Learning Applied to Radiological Imaging was formed as a result of a BRI NextGen Award that was granted to Jeffrey Duryea, PhD, Department of Radiology. The goal of these new BRI Affinity Groups is to provide funding and staffing support for a group of researchers to convene and explore ideas and identify synergies around a common research theme.